We all go to the zoo to view the different animal enclosures and shows. Zoos have become a great medium of entertainment not only for kids, but also for adults. However, there are some people who think that there should not be any zoos because they are capturing animals for human purposes, which is entertainment. Taking that into note, should we ban the creation of new zoos? Read on to find out!

Should Zoos Still Exist or Not? The Arguments For & Against Zoos


Zoos are places where animals are kept in enclosures to entertain us human beings. Nowadays, it is not only used for entertainment purposes but also for scientific research and also to conserve the species of animals. People can also educate themselves about these animals by visiting the zoos.

The best zoos in America


People go to zoos for many purposes, and thus people will miss out on a lot of stuff if we ban them.

  1. Entertainment: We go to zoos to see animals, which is a mode of entertainment for us. For example, we watch animals do tricks like an elephant painting with its trunk, or a man balancing n two dolphins, or even a group of tigers doing some ball tricks! This is so that spectators can have fun and the same for animals.
  2. Research: Zoologists visit zoos to study the different animals and gather data about them. They check the animals’ routines, what they eat, in what conditions they are kept in, and if they think that something is wrong, they even give advice on how they can improve the care of these animals! This is very useful as this way, they can finish their own studies and zookeepers can even improve the daily care conditions of the animals.
  3. They conserve the species of animals: If there is an endangered species of animals, they can be taken into the custody of zookeepers. Yes, it is arguable that animals are supposed to live in their natural habitats because that is where they breed and can get all their necessary resources, however, if there is a lack of habitat, then where will they go? There is always more to a zoo than just animals in enclosures.
  4. Going to the zoos help a person relax himself: We all live in a concrete jungle of flats and shops, having to deal with a lot of workload and pressure to maintain the economic balance. Stress is the best time a person should visit the zoo. Zoos are closer to nature are there are not only different animal species but also various plant species. This way, we can get a respite from our work and loosen up a bit.
The Benefits of Zoos and Aquariums -


Zoos, however, have more disadvantages.

  1. Animal cruelty: Zookeepers take animals from their normal habitats into their care. They claim that they are going to take proper care of the animals, but instead they do not provide them with a proper habitat. They let them do tricks, exploit them, etc. Thus, they are doing more harm to the animals just for their own benefit. This is very unfair towards innocent animals.
  2. A sense of depending on others in animals:  When kept in zoos, zookeepers give them proper care and treatment. This is not good as they start depending on the zookeepers for everything. This is completely opposite to their nature of being able to survive in the wild all by themselves. This also makes the animal weak as they no longer know how to defend themselves. Isn’t this a bad thing?
  3. Adverse affects on an animal:  Many animals taken from the wild have already adapted to their surroundings and their natural habitat. However, when we bring them to zoos, we are completely turning the tables for them. They have to struggle to quickly adapt to their new home. This is the most problematic to those animals who migrate or hibernate. Thus, they can either get sick or even worse things could happen.
  4. Zoos just want money: The main purpose of a zoo is to provide entertainment to humans and make money. They become so engrossed to earn for themselves and only themselves that they forget that animals also have lives. This is very selfish and self-centered.
Zoos - Top 3 Pros and Cons - ProCon.org


Of course, everyone has their own opinions, but my opinion or verdict would be that zoos cause more harm then good and that we should reconsider making new zoos. There can be a few modifications rather than entirely banning zoos. First of all, zoos can be made into wildlife sanctuaries. There, they get to live in a habitat close to theirs. They also do not have to worry about depending on humans as the whole place is theirs. Secondly, we can modify zoos with more facilities excluding tricks. They only have enclosures and given information about the particular animals, This reduces animal cruelty. Also, zoos can also do donations to other wildlife reserves by donating around 25% of their profit.

All in all, I think that zoos serve a purpose and that with modifications, nothing cruel may happen to the animals. Thank you for reading!

Categories: Lifestyle

Vani Gupta

Kathak Dancer | Bibliophile | Public Speaker | English lover | Secondary Student