Nowadays, people have found it essential to talk about the importance of having a mentor. Mentoring is a practice that has been going on for decades and has been followed by many people. Touching on this, what exactly is mentoring? 

If you want to know more about mentoring, read on!

Before we start, what is a mentor? In simple words, a mentor is someone who guides us on the right path by giving advice and supporting us. They learn more about us, by knowing our challenges and helping us overcome them. They walk us through the difficulties and stay by our side forever. 

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What makes a good mentor? “A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself.” This quote by Bob Proctor truly defines what a good mentor is and I will further explain it. These are the qualities: 

  1. A good mentor is all ears for you. You can voice out all your opinions, grievances, difficulties and happiness to your mentor. They will always listen to you and your opinions matter to them, so they will never fall on deaf ears. Your opinion always matters to them.
  2. A good mentor is highly motivating and encouraging. They always want you to benefit and will always help you so that you do well. They will motivate you to succeed in what you are doing and will help you in whatever way they can. 
  3. You can always approach him/her. You can always ask him/her for guidance whenever and wherever. They will never disagree to help you and in fact, they will find ways to make things favorable for you. 
  4. A good mentor is not hesitant in providing feedback. They will definitely give you constructive feedback, whether in the form of praise or criticism. This is because it will help bring improvement in the areas where they lack and help to reinforce their success. They will thoroughly look into what you have done and give advice. 
  5. A good mentor is always enthusiastic in his role. If your mentor does not show any interest in what they are doing, then they will not be of much help. Instead, one that takes up the initiative and enthusiasm to be able to mentor someone is the right person for you. They will never leave your side and will have a boosting sense of confidence in what they tell you. 
What makes a good mentor?


Now that we know what it takes to be a good mentor, here is the importance of having a good mentor. He/she can really help you be the role model of many others. 

  1. A mentor brings great improvement in you. He/she is far more experienced than you and knows what are your strengths and weaknesses. Undoubtedly, they will tell you which areas to work on so as to bring fruitful results and immense improvement in you. 
  2. A mentor gives you advice from his/her experience. They have also gone through a tough life. He/she has also gone through what you are going through. They will give you tips on how they managed to succeed using their experience. 
  3. You will always have someone to rely on. Like I mentioned before, a mentor never leaves your side. They will always be there to support you. This means that your mentor is the backbone of your success and you can always rely on them. 
  4. You can form a lifelong bond with your mentor. Take him/her as your best friend, a partner who will never leave you alone. Your mentor is closer than family and friends and will treat you like a lifelong sibling. 

Having said that, a mentor plays a huge role in determining a person’s success.

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I can completely relate that mentorship is a big factor in our lives as my own mentor has never left my side for the past 14 years. She has spent cherishable memories with me and each memory has vividly left some importance for me. Yes, my mentor is none other than my dear mother. Had it not been for my mother, I would not have developed the lovely interest I have today. It was my mum’s idea to get me into dance. My mother had a keen eye and had solely observed that I had the potential to become a great dancer since young. She wanted me to pursue the 8-year training of the Indian Classical Dance Kathak. Of course, I was a little hesitant at first, but later on, I willingly agreed to go.

At the age of 6, I started learning this magnificent dance at a particular academy. It was not easy at first, and I would tell my mom how difficult it was to even do the steps. For a little information, Kathak consists of extensively intricate footwork and speedy spins, sometimes in motion as well. I did not find it one bit easy and I would find excuses to skip classes. However, my mom would not let that happen. She would tell me that everything seems difficult in the beginning, but with practice, it can be overcome.

While learning at the Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society (SIFAS), I found out my interest for this dance. I completely turned a new leaf and started loving this dance. Little did I know that my mom’s simple wish would gift me a lifelong hobby and interest. I was glad that my mom stood by my side and helped me overcome the negative feelings I had during my initial years of training. Due to her tireless mentoring, I was able to earn the distinguished ‘Best Student Award’ and it was the most proud moment of my life. As I said earlier, a mentor always guides you towards the correct path, and my mom did the same for me. 

Categories: Lifestyle

Vani Gupta

Kathak Dancer | Bibliophile | Public Speaker | English lover | Secondary Student


ANURAG GUPTA · January 2, 2022 at 9:02 am

Great Article. I can also relate to it as my mother helped me a lot in becoming what I am. Keep up the good work.

ANURAG GUPTA · January 3, 2022 at 5:35 am

Great article. Conveyed the message in clear language. Keep it up

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